Sunday, 20 October 2013

Brief 1 // imprint // Branding research

To start thinking about this brief in the right way and getting my head around the branding that i wanted to create for this brief, i started to look at some branding online, just generally looking at branding as a whole, so there was no real focus on what the brand was.

I wanted to see which ones caught my eye and then explore these further to see what it was about the branding that caught my eye and made me stop and look at it.

I have documented the ones that I think best display this and ones that I can describe.

I think it is safe to say that the majority of these branding examples that i have chosen, have some sort of design element that makes them stand out, one part of the design which jumps off the page and grabs your attention when you see it.

The way in which the branding has been photographed also is a huge relation to this. A more interesting layout, that includes several pieces of the branding works better for me, as i like to stop and look at each individual component and see how they all relate to each other throughout the branding stationary.

Bright colours are something that stand out within this selection of imagery, that is an obvious one to choose and way to get peoples attention, but the way in which the colour is used throughout the branding can implement this even more. By having a subtle area which includes a bright colour - a strip or icon etc within the design this draws your eye straight to that point, usually it would be a logo, but as seen in some of these examples it could be a pattern, letterform or shape, but this always has some relation to the logo, be it a pattern created from the logo or a letterform from the name of the company. The way in which certain elements are brought out in the design and emphasised can create a really strong identity.

And lastly alot of the branding within this document, is created from a simple typographic logo. I have seen two different ways in which this has been used, both interesting. The first is just the use of type, this can be interesting as each typeface has its own identity in itself, it communicates in a certain way, using that type for a brand can give it personality and tone of voice. The second is using the type and some other symbol or shape within it to create an image or mark which relates back to what the company does. This is really interesting to me and something which I have really played around with.

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