Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Brief 1// imprint // invoice research

The last product to research into is the invoice. This was mealy to get an idea of the information that needs to be present on the invoice and how the section for writing out the work done and costings had been laid out. This will obviously be related to my own design, I just wanted to get some idea. 

From the images above I can see that most of them are really simple in the layout. The section for writing out the work is a simple table with the headings along the top, this is good as it leaves it open for interpretation of the user of the product and they can use the invoice how they like. Other information that is included on the invoice is clients details, date, invoice number, your own details and some terms and conditions for payment.

Even looking at the layout of these designs has helped me, even though I have my own design which I am designing to, seeing the spacing of everything and how to bring in the different chunks of information and placing them in the right place to be seen is crucial to make sure you communicate the information correctly to receive payment.

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