Monday, 28 October 2013

Brief 1 // imprint // Brand Guidelines Content and Layout

For the contents of the guidelines i have planned out each section and what will be included within this.

Brand Story

How we look
Signature logo
Secondary Logo
Exclusion Zone
Minimum Size
Correct Usage
Incorrect Usage

Visual Elements
Colour Palettes
Brand Pattern

Brand Stationary

Contact us

This will be the plan of the guidelines and also gives an outline of the content and what I need to create for the guidelines.

The layout of the guidelines will be taken from the idea of using the columns as a grid and guideline to how the work will be laid out within the publication.

Each page will be formatted as above. I have changed the margins within the page layout, this creates a greater gutter down the inside of the page, as I am going to be using binding screws to bind the publication together this needs a greater area and i don't want to the content of the page to creep into this area and not be readable. The page has been split into three columns the first will be used for the body copy on the page, the second two columns will be used for any illustrations or type that is needed to communicate the content to the user. Each page will have the page number in the bottom corner on the outside edge, this will have the small triangle underneath it to link back to the logo and the brand pattern. All together this will create a well structured layout to the publication and make it run consistently through the publication.

In terms of section title pages, the use of the triangle pattern will be used here. This will create a good visual page for the start of each section. The column guide isn't taken into account as much within these pages, but the title will always be considered to be placed within the right place on the page and work with the pattern too. 

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