Sunday, 27 October 2013

Brief 1 // imprint // Printed Stationary

From looking at my research and deciding on how I will lay out the printed work, the design stage of these products was fairly easy. I had the guide to work to, so I was just basically dropping the content into the right place and laying it out within the guidelines.

Starting off with the letterhead was the best option as this was the simplest one to design. It also meant once this had been designed the invoice could be created from the basics of it.

As you can see here the guidelines has provided the main style to the design and how it will be laid out. All the content has been kept within these guides. The left hand column proved bigger than it actually needed to be, if the content was to be fill this entire column then the design would look unbalanced and this content would be at a much larger point size again unbalancing the design, as this left column needs to be at a smaller point size so there is no distraction to the main content area. 

Zooming into the left column shows that all the content has been keep at a consistent point size, with the spacing between each chunk of information the same too. This is half the size of the gap between the company logo and the first bit of information. I think designing this in this particular way, gives a well laid out and structured design to the letterhead. 

The main content area is at a larger point size as this is the main information for the user to take notice of. It has been spread across the content area and kept within the guidelines. Again using the paragraphs breaks down the information into more manageable chunks of information.  

The final design of the letterhead. I think this design has worked out well. The logo at the top is at a good proportion to the size of the product and the spacing around this makes it stand out more. I like the spacing  from the top to the start of the information. Structuring the design within the two columns has created this well balanced design to the letterhead which looks much more professional. 

After creating the letterhead the next product to create was the invoice, this came hand in hand as layout and basic information of the two products are similar if not the same. 

Again the content of the invoice has all been designed around the guidelines set up for this format and size. All the content has been kept within this to create the structured and well balanced design of the invoice. 

This information has been copied over from the letterhead design. This can be done as it is exactly the same information needed and as the layout is the same it fits together well. 

Below this comes the information about the client. This information is needed on the invoice as it is being invoiced to the client, the payment details have also been provided so the client knows where to pay the money too. This section has been designed the same as the above section. Using the same point size and spacing between each section, this provides consistent design throughout the product. 

The main area of the invoice is the breakdown of the work which has been carried out and the costing of each of these. For this I created a simple a table in which all the information will be displayed within. This provides all the relevant information the client will need to know about the work being carried out and the cost of each of these items. The aesthetics of the table fit in with the style of the invoice and the overall style of the brand. 

The last section of the invoice is the terms and conditions. This runs along the bottom of the job breakdown. As the terms and conditions hold quite a lot of information it was best to place this within the main content area as it would take up less room on the invoice. 

The overall design of the invoice. This provides a clear and precise breakdown of all work carried out for the client. The design of the invoice is in keeping with the style of the brand and creates a consistent design aesthetic to the brand stationary. 

Compliment Slip
The compliment slip was slightly different in the design, as the format was obviously different, the same guidelines could still be used as the compliment slip is the same width as the letterhead and invoice. The main information had to be rearranged there wasn't as much height in this product. Therefore i had to rearrange the type but i still wanted it to be in scale as that of the letterhead and invoice. 

This information is the same as that provided on the letterhead design, except the layout of this has had to changed for it to fit onto the format of the letterhead. I have kept the scale and spacing of this section the same as previous products, so it will still be a consistent design. 

As the compliment slip doesnt have that much information on it, the second column just holds the information of  'with compliments', but this is in the main content area because it leaves more room for a note to be written within this area. 

Final design of the compliment slip. Again this is in keeping with the previous two designs and deliveries the needed information and space for the user.

Business Card
The business card  proved to be the product which had the most design thought going into it. As the other products have had a straight forward design to it which meant i only had to drop the information in, the business cards could work on many different designs, so this was a different process to go through. 

The design of the business cards all worked within the idea of the two columns, but this had to be applied the design in a different way because of the information that is included within the business card. As you can see from the designs above there are a few different variations of the business card which can be used within the one set out guideline. I think that any of these designs above could work with the other products that have been designed, they all provide an aesthetic that is in keeping. 

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