After deciding on the name for the publishing company and that being imprint, i started to look at some logo ideas. I wanted to incorporate the idea of publishing into the logo and use a typographic logo too.
this logo is a really simple typographic logo. I have split it down by using two colours, this could be done using greys or using two colours or two tints of a colour. It is quite a versatile logo but in the end it is quite boring and doesn't really say anything about the company or suggest anything about publishing.
Again this is using the same idea of splitting the logo down by the use of colour. Adding the coloured box to the background makes the logo stand out more but doesn't really add anything to the logo itself.
After creating these two simple logo, i wanted to start thinking more about how i could bring in the idea of publishing into the logo.
This logo uses a simple square box as the initial logo but then adding the block lines on the angle makes it look like a book on an angle. I dont think that the type works with this as it seems dis jointed to the square above and looks as two separate things.
To try and make the logo work better and relate to the idea of a book, I changed the square to be more of a rectangle - the more recognisable format of a book and reduced the top of the rectangle to make the shape of the top of the book. I think this works better as a representation of a book. Also increasing the point size of the type and bringing it closer to the top of the logo makes them work together better, they have more of a relationship to each other.
I still wasnt best happy with the logo so i tried to add the type inside the block logo and invert the colour of it. This again has changed the look of the logo, which im not sure if its better or worse.
Looking back at this logo i decided that it wasn't quite working right, I didn't like the overall format and shape of the logo, but I did like how i had incorporated the idea of publishing into it.
I thought of different ideas:
- books
- stabbing tool
- pencil / pen - writing tool
The pencil came to mind when i looked back at the logo as the stem on both the 'i' and the 'p' look like the design of the HB pencils, so adding a simple small triangle underneath the letterforms creates this into a pencil. Also it can relate to the idea of the tools used when bookbinding to create the holes in which you stitch a book together with. With two meanings coming from the simple use of a triangle, I though this was a good logo and was happy with the design of it. Now i just had to create a full length logo as this would be used as a monogram.
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