Monday, 28 October 2013

Brief 1 // imprint // Brand Guidelines research

The brand guidelines is the final product that i will be designing for this brief. As this is a brand which I am going to use throughout the year to brand all my publishing and editorial work, I thought it would be wise to create a brand guidelines. This will put everything in place and make sure that the brand is used in the right way all along. 

To get some ideas on the brand guidelines I did some research into the subject area, I have never worked on a brand guideline before, so this was something new to me and something I was interested in looking at.

With the design of the guidelines, I found that each one was completely different, there wasn't a set way in which the guidelines should be designed. It really came down to the components of each brand and what the brand what it is. I think that the guidelines are so different because they need to communicate the brand and what the brand is about.

What i can determine from the research is that there is a difference in how the guidelines are designed within the style, there is a simple design, detailed design and ones which are very structured throughout.

I think this has proven helpful as i know that i need to get across the style of the brand and communicate what the brand is all about within the brand lines. 

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