Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Brief 16 // Typocircle // Publications

The main part of the brief is to create the three special edition publications about the three chosen designers from the Typocircle Archive.

I have chosen to use - Anthony Burrill / Johnathan Barnbrook / MadeThought

I have chosen these three deigners / studios because they are all different in their own way - each one is based around a different discipline, but they all focus on the craftsmanship of work and taking pride in creating the products. Mainly the work is print based.

Anthony Burrill - Print master - Screenprint, letterpress, woodblock etc

Johnathan Barnbrook - Typographer - Studio work based around typography over many applications and media / format types.

MadeThought - Studio - Multidiscipline studio working over mainly print, but this includes a lot of different disciplines of design. They focus on the craftsmanship and create beautifully crafted work.


In order to keep the publications consistent across all three, the content will be based around the same areas. The brief asks for at least 4 double page spreads, though I am going to create the publications as 12 page books.

The layout of the content will be as followed:
- Contents

- 5x double page spreads
  - Biography
  - Feature Work
  - Interview
  - Showcase
  - Work & Article - blogged online

- Advert for linked event

Each publication will follow this same layout and content. This will make the publication work as a series and have relevant information about each of the designers within.

From creating the publications, the rest of the brief will be created alongside and again this will run with the same concept and craftsmanship of the special edition publications.

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