Soft title page - This will be the first page of the publication when opened, I decided to do this as the contents page needed to be spread over two pages, this also introduces the idea of the publication being split into 2 sections by the use of colour and the wording.
Contents page - Again splitting the publication down into the two main sections of it, Images will be placed around the content.
First section - Title page. Small images grouped together show similar work and images of similar colour. Different sizes and formats to make the layout more interesting visually, similar sizes and formats have been used over the two pages. Body copy will be added to these pages, this will take be more heading and small chunks of information.
Middle Pages - This page is laid out in a set structure, this will stay consistent through every section of the publication. These pages won't have any type within the page, it be just images to create a visual page and highlight what each section is about. The different sized image on the bottom row is to allow for a more rectangular shaped image to be placed within, it also makes the page a little more interesting to read, also it leaves room at the bottom of the page for holding the book, so your fingers don't cover any of the content.
Final Pages - These pages are similar to the first title page, images are worked across the two pages, the same format and sizes are used over the two pages, but different layouts are created on each page - these still work together to create an overall double page spread. Body copy will be added to the pages - this will be more of an article / longer information compared to the title page.
Interview Page - Keeping inline with the title page, the left hand page, uses the same style for the title of the interview, this clearly states who the interview is. The right hand page holds the interview, which is split down to Question and Answer through the use of colour.
A short interview to break up each of the sections, it gives the reader something more to read and maybe learn about. All the interviews are taken from my own research and interview conduction which I did for my dissertation, so they all relate to each other and the idea of Print within Graphic Design.
Adding Type / Images
Adding images and type to the pages, completes this first section and gives a clear view on the style and direction of the full publication. From doing this I now know the publication will work as a whole and keeping this consistent style throughout the publication will create a really nice, well structured layouts throughout.
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