The postcard is set out similar to the information booklet page design, with single stroke lines at the top and bottom of the card design. This gives a simple aesthetic that doesn't take anything away from the bold illustrations of the postcard design.
The first three designs of the postcards are taken from the main three sections of the information booklet; turn down, cut down, shut down. These facts within these cards illustrate these three simple ideas of how you can save energy within the household.
The second set of three postcard designs take some of the energy saving tips from the information booklet and created them as a design for the cards. These are in the same style as above and should help communicate some simple ideas of how you can save energy.
The final two designs are more to advertise the information pack itself. As these designs are about the energy facts or ways in saving energy but more illustrate the idea of what saving energy and being more sustainable within the world can look like. The second design uses all the illustrations created for the products within the pack as the design for the card. This illustrates energy efficiency as all the products within them are energy efficient products.
This set of postcards will be packed within the information pack and will be a product which not only communicates the idea of energy efficiency but look aesthetically good.
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