Thursday, 12 December 2013

Brief 3 // Iconic Cities // Evaluation

Iconic Cities was a brief about travel, for this brief I created a travel guide and website. This was the first brief in which I have done both print and web within the project and brought them together to create one fully synthesised project.

At the start I found this hard to get going, the initial design of the travel guide was dragged out a little as I wasn't that happy with the design and concept of it. When I came up with the idea of using the travel tags and tickets, the project turned around and started to make a lot more sense. I was really engaged with the concept of it and started to enjoy the brief.

From starting the brief to the end, I feel that this brief has been one in which I have designed from the start to right to the end, taking time in thinking about the concept and drawing out ideas from the start has made the brief better in the long run.

The design on the travel guide is the main part in which I enjoyed, creating the title pages and master pages for this was great for me to do, taking elements from the travel tags and incorporating them into the printed publication was a good exercise. The binding technique of the travel guide was a test for me also, as the publication was so thick, I had to create a binding technique that would work so the book is able to be read throughout and the full page design can be seen and readable all the way through. It took a long time to realise how to do this and also keep it in a consistent aesthetic with the overall publication. Eventually I came up with the method that has been put into use now, the use of elastic bands, this creates a bind that is moveable from the elastic nature of the elastic bands, so the pages can be read throughout.

I wanted to create a bespoke publication and concentrate on the production of the travel guide to make it the best quality as I could, I think that I have achieved this, focussing on the production of the guide has defiantly helped this process and shown myself that firstly I can create products like this, but also it is something that I am good at and also enjoy. This has been clear within this brief that the creation and production of the products has been the most enjoyable part for me and something that I can take through the future briefs in the year.

The second element of the brief was to create a website for the company. For this I have just mocked up a website as I didn't think it was necessary for it to be coded and built as it wasn't the main deliverable for the brief. The website extends the printed publication and makes the travel guide more accessible to the audience. The main use of the website is that the user can create there own personalised and tailored travel guide by selecting certain information they want including.
The website design was good to do, this has been the first website I have created for the year and it was good to refresh myself in doing this. The design of the website was quite simple but I feel this worked best for the project and to work with the printed publication.

I preferred working on the printed element of the brief, but also creating the digital side of the project was good to do something different for a change, but also to make them both work together.

I think this project has been the best of the ones completed so far, it has been the one which I am most happy with and the one I feel I have created the best concept and developed this concept the best throughout the products created.

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