Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Brief 9 // Fedrigoni // Research

To get started on this brief, I first started to look at different formats that a calendar could take and the different ways that I could create the calendar.

By looking through these formats above, it is evident that a lot of calendars show the full month. This is good for a overview of the month, but I think having a daily calendar would be better as it shows each individual day and could make it into something much more interactive for the user. 

Developing ideas from the research

From looking at this format, it has created an idea in my head, that using a similar format, but it much more interactive, I like how the block creates a full view of stock colours, which would work well in order to show the user the full range of the woodstock papers. But I don't like how this lays down on the table, so in effect the date would be facing up at you, I think having a 'block' stood on its side so it faces you instead. This would make the calendar more user facing. 

The idea of having the block and using different coloured stocks for each month would create this kind of view within the calendar:


With these two examples I like the use of colour within the calendar and how a colour has been assigned to each month. This creates a colour palette for the year. I like this idea and think I would look great on a calendar, but I am more focussing on using the stock, so I could use this idea of assigning a colour to each month, but match that to a stock within the woodstock range. Identifying this stock on the actual calendar would be beneficial to the user, so they know which stock they are looking at. In a way by using a certain stock for each month, these creates a swatch for the month. Using this idea within the calendar, could create a playful and interactive second meaning to it. 

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