Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Brief 3 // Iconic Cities // Travel inspiration

When I started doing research in the first place for inspiration for the project in general, I found alot of interesting ideas around the subject of travel. One thing that caught my eye was some posters that were designed like travel tags - the ones you get in the airport that get attached to your case. I thought this could be an interesting way to look at the design style and be a concept that can run throughout the guide.

I said before that i wanted to the guide to be focussed on the city experience and communicate the city itself, I think bringing in this element of the travel tags will enhance this idea of creating the holiday experience. I liked the idea of the tags, so I have looked further into this idea.

To start off with i looked at travel tags in general, this ranged from old vintage tags, to a more design led aesthetic to the tag. Seeing these are really interesting, they have distinct characteristics towards them and certain elements will defiantly work well within the travel guide. This could even work for the contents as it can split up in a similar gridded style.

From this i started to look at more design led ideas that have used this style and characteristic within the design. I came across a Expedia campaign that was designed by Ogilvy. This incorporated the airport travel tag within the campaign and used it in a way to create messages within the posters.

I think this is a great idea, it fits the aesthetic and communication of the travel guide. Even the use of the small stamps at the bottom of the page add to this aesthetic style and homes in on the communication of the campaign. Using the design aesthetics of the labels could work really well for the travel guide - I think this would be best put into use within the title page of each city - but the idea of the grids and sections used within the labels could be incorporated into the design of each page. Even the colours used on these labels could be brought into the guide, each city could be printed on a different colour stock.

Finally I found this design project, this is a rebrand of a bookstore. The idea of the luggage tags has been used within some of the products of the branding material. Mainly the bookmarks and information tags have this aesthetic style. This was interesting to look at to see how the design idea had been applied to something outside of travel and how the design aesthetics had been used. I like the use of the old map paper and again the date stamps - all these could again be brought into my own travel guide to create a really interesting and engaging travel guide.

This research has defiantly helped me focus down on the design style and aesthetic of the travel guide, I think this gives a clear style for the guide and works as the concept which will run throughout the guide and other products created for the project.

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