Monday, 4 November 2013

Brief 3 // Iconic Cities // Design Style

Within the travel guide I want to mix photography and illustration together to create a informed visual guide throughout. The publication will be focussed on the visual aspects of each city and express the different experiences you can get from each city. The guide will use the visual aspects of travel and possibly airplane visuals to create a consistent style. I think the mix of photography and illustration can work well as a style for the guide and make the most of the guide.

I found this idea of using type and photography. The type illustrations the style of the city whilst the photo gives context and visual aspect of the city. I think this could be an interesting style that could be taken on within the brief. Im not sure if this would fit well within the actual guide itself, but i could create some sort of postcard for each city within the guide.

The use of photography and this of imagery will best be used to visualise the cities and the experiences that can be had within them. I think this will communicate the idea of the city across to the reader in the best possible way. 

Other forms of inspiration that i have looked at are below. I like the idea of using illustration within the travel guide alongside the photograph, the forms of travel and how i can incorporate this into the guide will make it more interesting and could form the concept for the whole guide. 

These are just a few examples, but show clearly the sort of style and ways of incorporating the idea of travel into the guide

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